FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Each team is guaranteed 6 games per season, but can play up to 8. This does not include tournaments. Teams are required to attend 2 tournaments per season (Fall & Spring).

Academy is a 10 month program, August – May. Teams will be outdoor August – October & March – May and indoor November – February.

Practices start the week of Monday, August 5.

Prior to practices starting there is an evaluation period to evaluate the players and place them on teams. There are no set rosters and players can be moved from one team to another at any time by the coaches.  The players are placed on teams with other players of like skill and ability.

No, the games are on Friday, Saturday, & Sunday.

No, the uniform kit can be purchased from Soccer USA (10803 N. May Avenue) for $120+tax.  The practice kit includes 2 jerseys, 1 short, 2 sock, & a practice jersey.

Practice nights are dependent on team placement. After the evaluation period, coaches will give the training schedule. The Academy Director and coaches communicate this very early in case of any conflicts.

Yes. Please contact admin@nokcsoccer.com with any questions.

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