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Risk Management – Concussions

Risk Management Documents

NOKC Soccer Concussion Policy

North Oklahoma City (NOKC) Soccer recognizes the potential danger and long-term health consequences of this often difficult to diagnose form of traumatic brain injury. The Policy is intended to provide easy-to-understand guidelines related to players who have been diagnosed with or are suspected of having a concussion.

The Policy is for Coaches, Parents and Players but is to be shared with any other adults or participants in OFC Soccer.  The Policy and the relevant documentation is provided on the NOKC website at www.nokcsoccer.com .

Coaches & Team Officials

  • Coaches and Team Officials, on their own time, will complete Oklahoma Soccer Association’s concussion requirements annually. These requirements are posted at http://www.oksoccer.com/main/administration/risk_management/
  • When a Coach agrees to coach (part of the coaching agreement process) the Coach will be required to answer Yes or No to a question: “Have you completed the authorized Concussion Training the past year?”
  • Though a rare occurrence, if a Player becomes unconscious during a game or session, the Coach or Team Official will call 911 or will instruct another adult to call 911.
  • When, during a game or session, a Player becomes unconscious or suspected of having a concussion the Coach and Team Official will remove the Player from the activity for the remainder of the session. The Coach will keep the Player out even if the player insists “I’m OK now, Coach”.
  • The Coach or Team Official will inform the Player’s Parent or guardian of the Player’s symptoms as soon as possible. Ideally, the Parent will be notified immediately.
  • When the Player returns for a future game or session if, based on the Coach’s understanding of concussion symptoms, the Coach or Team Official suspects the player is still exhibiting symptoms, the Coach will keep the player from the activity.
  • The Coach and Team Official understand that a player may not officially return to team activities until they are cleared by a medical doctor and notification of clearance is provided to NOKC.

Parents & Players

  • When a Parent registers their Player they will be required to check a box agreeing to the following: “If my child is diagnosed with a concussion during an NOKC Soccer activity or during ANY OTHER ACTIVITY including those outside NOKC Soccer, or if my player has a prior head injury, I will inform my child’s Coach of such diagnosis prior to the start of the season or before my child returns to play.”
  • Upon completion of registration, Parents and Players will receive an e-mail from NOKC Soccer that includes:
    • A brief explanation of our policy and the importance of the Parent’s role in understanding it.
    • A link to the Policy on the NOKC Soccer web site.
  • Parents and players understand that a player may not officially return to team activities until they are cleared by a medical doctor and notification of clearance is provided to NOKC.

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