Early Bird Registration OPENS June 1. Prices increase July 1

Cleats 4 Kids

Location Drop-Off

NOKC’s drop-off location is in the clubhouse.

Oklahoma Cleats for Kids is an Oklahoma City based non-profit that collects and distributes sports shoes, clothes and equipment to kids in need.


Sports provides kids a way to strengthen their bodies, minds and character. Every child should be able to have access to sports shoes and safe sports equipment. Sports may be just the thing that helps to change a child’s life whether it is by improving their health, character or just giving them a fun hobby. However, too many kids cannot afford sports shoes, uniforms or equipment. In Oklahoma, one out of every four families lives in poverty. Those kids may never get to play sports without Cleats for Kids help.


We are “To Kids, By Kids, For Kids” engaging kids to give back to their community in sports related community service. We connect kids with their community and give them a chance to help other kids. Anyone can join our cause! Get involved and enjoy the gift of bringing a smile to a child’s face!

We are placed where it is assessable for youth to get involved in helping disadvantaged and underprivileged youth in their community. Youth are involved in conducting shoe and equipment collections, getting the sports goods to children and helping with events. Kids truly can understand that it is better to give than to receive!

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