Dear OFC Membership,
NOKC has been presented with a great opportunity to improve the quality of our complex.
The Oklahoma City City Council and staff are working on project lists for the City of Oklahoma City’s 2017 bond election proposal. The project list will include streets, bridges, sidewalks, parks, drainage and, most importantly, parks. The projects would be funded by issuing general obligation (GO) bonds, which can only be authorized by voters. We need your help to make sure that Oklahoma City Parks is considered a high priority for the City Council.
By giving OKC Parks a priority in the bond, North Oklahoma City Soccer Club could directly benefit from it in terms of park improvements, These improvements will help NOKC to provide an even better environment for you and your children to enjoy the game of soccer.
All you have to do is go to City of OKC : 2017 Bond Election and fill out the survey, giving Parks a high priority score.
Take a moment to help NOKC Soccer provide the best soccer experience in the city!
Gabi Noble, President of NOKC Soccer Club